Monday, August 31, 2009


OK, guys... Here's the latest. We have some updates for you all.

1. We scrimmage Clinton Christian Academy tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept 1). Meet at their parking lot at 5:30pm. It's across the street from the old ACE HARDWARE and next to the TRUSTMARK BANK on Northside Drive. We will start the scrimmage at 6pm and end at 7pm.

2. We have cancelled the scrimmage on Thursday. Jim White (Tyler's father) gave me more information on the team we were to play. After hearing about the size of many of their players, I cancelled the scrimmage because the safety of our boys is much more important than a practice. We will still meet on Thursday at 6pm to practice. Come to our usual place (FIELD 6) dressed and ready to practice.

Let's get ready to see how we're doing tomorrow. Should be lots of fun!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday Notes

Good practice today, guys. Lots to work on, but we're getting there. All of your brothers are working just as hard as you are. Support them!

We will be having a scrimmage against a VERY good 12-year old select team on Thursday at 6:30. We will get together at 6:00pm to stretch and make sure that we know what we're doing together. Don't worry. We've only had one day in pads but I know that our team (if we play our positions right and hustle) will do fine. Plus, that will make us ready for the year!

We've missed a few players so far. Jadarius couldn't play line with us because of an equipment issue. Jacob Smith was out of town and Luke Davis was sick. So, we've missed TWO linemen that will help us. But we will come together. Everybody will be playing, so be prepared.

When we get together again, be prepared:
Be ready to "fire off of the line" and hit your opponent.
Be thinking of where you will be "power pushing" at the line.
Be thinking of when to "tomahawk" when at cornerback.
Be ready for the play so that we have no penalties.

And, of course, be prepared to get better and become a team. See you guys Thursday!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Note For The Week

Good first day together, guys. Now you should know how we intend to play this year and what we will be working to improve!

Remember our team rules this year:

We don't talk to other teams about what we do.
We are a group of "brothers" this year and we will look out for each other.
We must concentrate at all times!
We will work harder than anybody so that we can BE better than anybody.

Coach Benjie and I are here to work with you any time we can. We can't wait to see you guys on Saturday!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Practice And More

Parents and Colts, tomorrow at 6pm will be our first team get-together. We will be in shorts, t-shirts and helmets. Our objective will be to introduce our defensive and offensive formations, your roles as a Colt and evaluation of positions.

Parents: We encourage you to pay special attention to what we're doing. It makes it much more fun for you to know what we're doing and why. And, while sometimes we do correct our Colts to make them better, by following us you will know why. And, you will know how to help them get better!

Also, Benjie and I hope that you will get to know each other as parents. We have been blessed to have special parents over the years, and with many of the same kids back, it should be even better this year!

We had to pick numbers today in order to get jerseys before the season. Some kids may not get the number they wanted, but it was in order to be able to use them in different roles in the game. Getting #70, for example, meant that you couldn't touch the football. So, Ryan Goff lost his #70 number so that we could use him if needed!

Bring questions, comments, concerns, ideas, etc. tomorrow. We welcome your input.

FOR THE DADS: You are welcome to help us on the practice field. Please be respectful of our system and help us to make it the best it can be. The "run and shoot" and other difficult formations aren't easily adapted at this age. But we can use our smarts, teamwork, and hustle to win them all.

See you all tomorrow!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome Colts and Parents!

As you can see, this site is under some HEAVY construction. But shortly, we will be fully operational with all of the info you need to keep up with the team. In the interim, please find a way to "log in", create a password and account, and share pictures/comments/stories/etc. during the coming year.

Also, take a look at the site as it looked last year. That is also on here, but available by going to

Get ready for a great year as these boys become better football players, better young men.... and a TEAM!